Fernando Pineda
AFC+A Co-Director
FERNANDO PINEDA as AFC+A Co-Director. Fernando, CEO of CREAResults -a leader in environmental justice/community health workers programs in Denver Metro for fifteen years- has been working closely with AFC+A since February 2017 in the capacity of a co-founder of our flagship program Promotores Verdes.
The rapid growth of this program, mostly due to the genius and passion of our education director Zuza Bohley and CREA Results Susana Arreola Ponce, has placed both teams: AFC+A and CREA Results often at the same table of dozens of meetings to fundraise and build capacity not only for our Promotores but also for AFC+A in general.
Fernando’s connections and network are extensive and the legitimacy and respect he commands due to the legacy his work has created through years of federal and statewide grants and partnerships across multiple sectors- municipal and state governments, NGOs, leadership, and community at large-- have benefited AFC+A big time.
On occasions the CREA and AFC+A split on the table has served as a distraction and after discussing with Fernando how much we are and will be working together to grow AFC+A and its Promotores Verdes,
Now Fernando joins AFC+A Family in an of streamlined leadership with a title that may advance our capabilities as a team.