Doug Good Feather
Doug Good Feather is a respected member of the Denver Native American Indian Community and an enrolled member of the Hunkpapa Lakota from the band of Grandpa Chief Sitting Bull, of the Lakota Nation. He was born and raised on the Standing Rock Reservation and grew up in a small village on the South Dakota side called Rock Creek. He has spoken all over the world, representing his people through the Native Dance Ensemble led by Kevin Locke. He is the Executive Director of Spirit Horse Nation and the Lakota Way Healing Center. He has committed the last 11 years to helping others to heal through talking circles and support groups. He offers support and guidance to fellow Veterans suffering from PTSD, drug and alcohol addiction treatment & prevention, suicide prevention, and homelessness. Doug believes that once you become a warrior, you are always a warrior, and committed to a lifetime of service. He honorably served 8 years in the United States Army, from 2000 to 2008. He is a dedicated environmental activist supporting the efforts to protect Unči Makhá.