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Maricela Mares-Alatorre

Maricela is a Greenaction Community Organizer and the San Joaquin Valley Environmental Health and Justice Policy Advocate. Maricela is a mother and long-time resident of Kettleman City, home to the largest hazardous waste landfill in the western United States. She has been involved in the environmental justice movement since 1990. Maricela’s parents are founding members of the group People for Clean Air and Water of Kettleman City and they helped co-found Greenaction.


Maricela received her BA in Linguistics from Fresno State University in 2000. She has worked as a teacher, employment counselor and a parenting instructor. She is a member of the Central Valley Air Quality Coalition (CVAQ) and the San Joaquin Valley Cumulative Health Impacts Project (SJVCHIP) Steering Committee. She is also an advisory committee member for the Tulare Lake Basin Disadvantaged Community Water Study.


Maricela is on the board of directors for the Kettleman City Foundation and is a member and spokesperson for People for Clean Air and Water of Kettleman City which is currently campaigning to defeat a proposed expansion of the Chemical Waste Management toxic landfill in Kettleman City. Additionally, she is a mentor for the environmental justice youth group, YPOP (Youth Protecting Our Planet).

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